For the most part, we’ve been soaking up the natural beauty of this place and enjoying the clean air and open space. Yesterday, however, we were out hiking again when we had an unexpected encounter along the jungle path with some of the local residents– leeches. Shaped like the stem of a leaf, these little guys release an anesthetic that keeps you from feeling them as they latch onto you and start sucking blood. As long as they’re left undisturbed, they’re completely harmless and fall off on their own after they’ve had their fill. Chinese medicine would tell us that our blood has been purified by these helpful creatures, but the anti-clotting agent they release into your blood keeps the extraction site bleeding for the next 20 minutes to half an hour after they’re gone… and there’s just something inherently creepy about little blood-sucking worms that can sense movement and hunt you down in the jungle. Yuck.
Below is a slideshow of some of our wanderings in the area:
Source: New feed