The gospel dance

A guest post by my husband:
As I (Andy)  have been sitting this morning thinking about how our world works I looked up and saw tiny little particles of dust swirling under the fan.  We have a little “skylight” in one wall that shines a brilliant beam of sunlight into our room in the morning.  And for maybe the first time I noticed what is only visible while that sun beam is shining through.  It makes all the dust visible as it swirls around our room.  And as I watched it, I noticed it is a bit chaotic but also beautiful, kind of like a strange dance.  Then looking out the window I saw our neem tree with all its little green leaves blowing back and forth in the wind and realized that the tree too is dancing.  And as I think about more and more aspects of life I realize that life itself is like a complex, beautiful, tiresome dance.  The world is engaged in a perpetual dance of life, death, joy, mourning, beauty, corruption, light and darkness.  The dance is easy to catch glimpses of in the natural world but it seems descriptive of our human experience as well.  The way we interact with one another, the way God interacts with us.  We take turns initiating, being lead, being spun into confusion and glory, and taking moments of pause and stillness.  It seems the Gospel call is not just to follow a set of rules or getting as many people to believe the same narrow doctrine that we do (and exclude those who don’t!) but rather to be the dancing feet of Christ inviting others to partake of his love, joy, truth, life, and beauty.  To ignore the dance is to ignore our raison d’être.

We’ve moved!

          After many unexpected twists, turns, and delays in the construction process, last Monday we moved into our new room! We’re really excited about no longer having a locked door between us and the toilet, having a bird’s eye view of the community, and having a much quieter, ventilated space than we were living in before– now our front door opens onto a peaceful roof space instead of onto a busy alleyway. There are a few things left to be done– we’re hoping to get a roof and a door added to our bathroom soon, but it the meantime I’m enjoying bathing at night under the stars.  So far this is proving to be a really restful little refuge in the slum 🙂 Here’s a virtual tour of our new place:
A view of our front porch/roof space from our stairwell. Behind the curtain on the left is our bathing area and toilet; in front of our water storage drum is our sink/laundry area.


When they finished building the room, our landlord hung up these rice-filled packets as a sort of blessing.


Having an actual desk and chair is good incentive to sit down and study Hindi!


View out of the window next to our desk: a beautiful neem tree in our neighbors’ courtyard.


  Our kitchen
And on the other end of the room, our bed, with storage space above and below.


Our ceiling fan, suspended from a bamboo pole overhead.


Looking across the rooftops through our laundry lines and power lines.